Free Visa

The “free visa” scam is only used by unscrupulous employers and middlemen to generate income from the sale of the visas. In reality, there is nothing called a ‘free work visa.’

The migrants who arrive in the destination country with “free visas” typically must find their own work with an employer and remit monthly payments to the sponsor named on their visas. In most of the cases, the worker, if caught working with a person other than his sponsor, is repatriated back to Pakistan.

Consequences of “free visa” scam:

  • not job/salary for months
  • jobless migrants are caught by local police
  • migrant worker risk detention before deportation
  • migrant workers are forced to sign a new contract with a much lower salary/labour conditions.

If you need clarification about any of the above, you may contact the MRCs anytime through email, FB, or hotline number. You may also check the MRC social accounts for regular updates.