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Protect yourself

  • Be alert to the fact that illegal recruiters exist. When dealing with uninvited contacts from people or agencies, whether it's in person or on a social networking site, always consider the possibility that the approach may be a fraud or a scam. Remember, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. Verify the credibility of your recruiting agency. Ask for the registration certificate issued by the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resources Development. Stay safe and do not deal with the agency if it is not registered or if the registration is not valid. If you have any doubt, you may contact the MRCs anytime through email, FB, or hotline number.
  • Know who you're dealing with. If you've only ever met someone online, or are unsure of the legitimacy of a business, take some time to do a bit more research. Ask for references from other people who have used the services of that person or company, and make an effort to contact them.
  • Never agree to transfer money for someone else - this is money laundering, and it is a criminal offence.